laptop with lines of code on its screen

Hi, I'm Jesus Enrique and I love building software

My projets

Some of My Projects

Screenshot of bookmarks keeper client app

Bookmarks keeper

This project started as a personal side project. I got the idea from the Saved Messages telegram feature, whose interface is technically a chat. I used to use that chat to save some of my links, but I wanted a way to group them by category. That's why I decided to build my own bookmark keeper app (For the record, It was after I finished the app that I found out about Pocket).

I used the MERN stack dividing the project into API and client. For the backend, I used the link-preview-js npm library by Oscar Franco to present the site information and Passport JS with JWT for authentication and authorization. As for the client UI design, it uses Material UI and its card component to make the bookmarks similar to the link previews you can find on chat apps. Recently I migrated these projects, and now Typescript is utilized on both.

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Screenshot of WPF Invoice System windows app

WPF Invoice System Windows App

I came up with this idea while working in my family business. They had stopped using the previous invoice system of the company because it had many bugs and the license was expensive. In addition, I have always been interested in building a Windows desktop application, and I knew C#, so I decided to make a new invoice system for the company. The project has been a challenge for my Object Oriented Programming skills, and I even have had the opportunity to put into practice some design patterns. The project in this portfolio is a lightweight version of that project because the original project has more company-related features that I decided not to include here.

I choose WPF instead of newer frameworks (MAUI, for instance) primarily because of the old hardware that we have in the company. I also used the Prism library for an easier way of handling navigation.

Now about persistence: I went with SQL Server in the original project, but I used SQLite for this project so that the people who want to try this project can have their data in the desktop directory of their computers. In both cases, I managed the DB through Entity Framework code-first approach.

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Acompañar+ landing page screenshot

Acompañar+ (No Country Simulation MVP)

I participated in a 5-week work simulation as a Backend Developer within a diverse team of talented developers and UI/UX designers. There, we built a MVP called Acompañar+ with React and Express.js. The project aims to create a bridge between the elderly and the new generations through community activities.

This was such a rewarding experience because I had the opportunity to improve several of my soft skills such as teamwork, problem-solving and also my ability to communicate complex technical concepts across different disciplines. Also, since we had a compressed timeframe, I gained valuable experience in prioritizing tasks and adapting to changing project requirements.

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Screenshot of countries-info app

Countries info app (Frontend mentor challenge)

This project is my solution for the Frontend Mentor REST Countries API challenge. A priori, it seemed to be a project with a straightforward development process, but it started to get more complex as I built it. Creating the dropdown filter from scratch was indeed challenging, not only because of the design but also because of the accessibility aspects you have to cover. You learn a lot while building this project; I recommend it if you want to exercise your frontend developer skills. I created it using the Next.js static generation feature, Typescript, and modern React tools such as Hooks and functional components. Thanks to Github Actions, the site is automatically rebuilt monthly to keep countries' data up to date. Finally, for styling, I used CSS with SASS as a preprocessor. A previous version of this application that a built using only React can be found here.

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About Me

A picture of Jesus Enrique

I am a .Net and JavaScript full-stack web developer who also has Windows applications development knowledge. I started learning software development five years ago, and I discovered I really like using tech to solve problems. I decided to make a career out of it and prepare myself more earnestly for it, so I signed up on some e-learning platforms.

I focused on the "MERN" JavaScript stack for the first part of my journey. Later, I learned C# and started working with .Net technologies, building Windows desktop applications with WPF and APIs with ASP.Net Core. I have used much of that knowledge while working in my family's business. I never stop learning; that's why, at the moment, I'm studying AWS and Azure.

I'm based in Venezuela, and when I'm not coding, I like to play guitar and watch a lot of films.

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Interested in doing a project together? Get in Touch

I’d love to hear about what you’re working on and how I could help. I’m currently looking for a junior role. I’m a hard-working person who's always willing to learn new things. Please do feel free to check out my online profiles below.

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